Friday, May 29, 2015

Docker Basics

Docker is a platform for developers and administrators to build and run distributed applications. 

In this the developer  install an environment that the project using Docker engine. The developer works on the environment and once it is ready to ship to the server, the environment configuration is passed on to the IAAS provider so that the IAAS creates the environment on the developer’s behalf. 

Developer worries what is inside the box whereas the IAAS providers / admins worries outside the box - how to provision the server. 

Docker consists of 
  • Docker engine: Docker engine is a portable, lightweight runtime and packaging tool. 
  • Docker Hub: Is a cloud service for the developers to share applications. 

Why docker: 

  • can quickly get started without worrying too much about the environment. The developer can also choose from 13000+ apps already available in the Docker hub than creating a new one from scratch. 
  • Eliminates the friction that can come when shipping code. 
  • Makes it easier for the sys admins to understand the environment in which the developers work on and what need to be on the server. 
  • Reduces “Well, it works on my machine” issue. 
  • helps sysadmins to deploy and run app on any infrastructure in a faster way. 
  • Dockers run almost anywhere - desktops, servers, virtual machines. Its easy to move an application from testing environment into the cloud and back whenever you need. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Google IO 2015

Following are the summary of the Google IO 2015 keynote

Android M
- App permissions: Manage permissions at the micro level - when you launch or work on the app, you can grant / revoke permission to the apps.
- Chrome custom tabs: link from app to web. Ensure the web links opens directly on a different app.
- Android Pay:
- Use android pay to pay in stores.
- Use existing credit cards with Android pay.
- works on any android phones with NFC.
- standardize support for fingerprint.
- improved support for battery power.
- Ease of use:
- Simplified volume controls.
- easy editing of text.

Android Wear: 
- Watches:
- Always on screen for even apps. :-)
- Wrist gestures

- underlying OS for Internet of things.
- Minimal system requirements - less memory and low powered devices.
- Weave
- communication layer that helps devices to talk to each other and cloud.
- Define schemas for each device which other device understands.
- Weave APIs which other devices understand.
- Available in Q4 2015

Google now
- google search more assistive to users.
- Effective search using improvements in machine learning / NLP.
- Context improvements (places, what you like).
- Now on Tap - display context info on tap.

Google Photos: Easier way to manage / organize photos, make it easy to share and unlimited free storage for Google photos / backup to drive.

  - Offline youtube support for 48 hours.
  - offline maps support - search, auto suggestions, more info, even turn by turn directions.