This article helps you getting started on cloudfoundry. This
does not explain on the cloudfoundry concepts.
Step 1: Create an account in pivotal cloudfoundry.
You can
create a 2 months free subscription account from pivotal cloudfoundry services
web site
An organization as the name specifies – can be your company name, project group
or so.
The space is nothing but the environment you wish to create,
you may want to have a development, qa and production spaces. In short
applications are hosted in spaces (environemnts) and spaces belongs to an
Step 2: Create a simple spring application, you can also
create in Grails, Ruby etc., You can use maven, gradle as the build tool.
You can
use spring boot to create a simple application. Please refer
to create a new spring application.
You can also create in other languages as Cloudfoundry
offers other buildpacks.
Once created, you can generate the war or jar using the
maven command.
Step 3: Login to cloudfoundry and create required
organization and spaces.
From you PC, login to cloudfoundry using the CLI tools.
cf login -a
Enter your credentials to login.
Step 4: Deploy your application.
You can push the apps in the following ways:
- Use the Cloudfoundry CLI tool.
- Use cloufdoundry eclipse plugin.
- Use a build plugin to integrate deployment as part of your
build tool.
Now issue the following cf command.
cf push springbootfirst -p target/springbootfirst-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
command uploads the spring jar file to the cloudfoundry site and starts the
Step 5: You can now access the web application in the
following web url:
Now there is a lot more you can do using CF tool such as:
Configuring your own domain instead of
- Scale up an application.
- Deleting an app, renaming it, start or stop an application.
- View logs for an application
- Enable ssh for an application.
- View services from the market place.
- Create, update organizations, spaces, buildpacks etc.,
- Perform user administration on organizations / projects.
See you in the next article on cloudfoundry.