Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Regular expression using Java

Regular expression (regex or regexp) is used for searching using String pattern matching. Regex is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern .

JDK comes up with built-in api for regex manipulation.Regex can be implemented using the “Pattern” and the “Matcher” class.

Sample program: 

       public static void main(String args[]) {
               boolean gotit = false;
               // -------------------------------------
             String line = "Rubesh is a technology (XYZ technology solutions) !. mail - samson@gmail.com mobile - 754-543-5843";
             String pattern = "[^a-z]";

             // Create a Pattern object
             Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern);

             // Now create matcher object.
             Matcher matcher = r.matcher(line);
             while (matcher.find()) {
              gotit = true;
              System.out.println("No results !!!");
If you want to get the start & end index of a selected letter in the output you can use the matcher.start() and matcher.end().

Input / output samples:

Regex pattern                Output
[a-z]                              ubeshisatechnologytechnologysolutionsmailsamsongmailcommobile
[A-Z]                            RXYZ
[A-Za-z]                       RubeshisatechnologyXYZtechnologysolutionsmailsamsongmailcommobile
[a-z0-9_-]                    ubeshisatechnologytechnologysolutionsmail-samsongmailcommobile-754-543-5843
[a-z0-9_-]{4,10}         ubeshtechnologytechnologysolutionsmailsamsongmailmobile754-543-58

You can try out regex directly using www.regexpal.com

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