Monday, March 30, 2015

video streaming basics

Video streaming is a process by which the video content can be sent from one device / server and viewed from another device. 

The following are different types of streaming methodology: 
  • Downloading
Entire file is downloaded in the client side to view it. 

  • Streaming
The user can start seeing the video as it arrives, no wait is required. 

  • Progressive downloading. 
The file whenever it is partially downloaded is available for viewing. 

Types of streaming: 
  • http streaming

Http streaming is a good option when you don’t need to stream live vide, it only works with files available on the server. Just upload the file in the server and include html markup tags to stream video file in your fav html5 player. 

  • true streaming
True streaming has advantages such as the ability to handle much larger traffic loads, ability to detect users’ connection speeds and supply appropriate files, ability to broadcast live events. 

There are two ways to have access to a streaming server:
  1. Operate you own server (by purchasing or leasing)
  2. Sign up for a hosted streaming plan with an ISP (Internet Service Provider)

Some streaming media softwares: 

  • Helix Universal server from real networks
  • Apple Quicktime streaming server. 
  • Macromedia communication server. 
  • Wowza streaming server 
  • BrightCove
  • Red5
  • Adobe

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