Friday, May 24, 2019

Refreshing - Git basics

This post explains some of the basics of git (a simple refresher post to GIT commands).

Git clone <git url> download a project from git remote repository

add <file> or .
commit -m <commit message> (Commit files to local repository)

status (list all new and modified files)
diff (Shows files modified)

fetch: fetches the remote repo into the local repo, but does not merge
pull: does and fetch and also does the merge into the local repo. 

Remote: lists the remote
git remote
git remote -v

Log: logs all changes
git log
git log —all
git log —all —oneline —decorate —graph


# Local folder to Git remote. 

Steps to commit an already existing local project to git. 
git init
git add
Git commit -m “Initial commit”
Create a repository in git and get the 
git remote add origin<reponame.git>
Git push -u origin master. 

# Create a branch from command line.

git branch —list (shows all the branches). 
git checkout -b develop (creates a local branch called develop)
change a file
perform git add and commit to the local code.
git push —set-upstream origin develop

# Switching branches.
Git branch (shows local branches)
Git checkout develop

# Merging with parent branch (say develop)
  • Develop
  • A

commit A changes to local repository
git checkout develop
git merge A
git push

# Deleting remote branch
git branch -d A (Delete references of local branch)
git push origin -d A (delete remote branch)

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