HTTP status codes (Refresh
1xx (Transitional phase requests - you may not use much for debugging)
100 - Continue requests
101 - Switching protocol
103 (Checkpoint)
2xx (Success Informational - everything went well - you want these requested)
= 200 (OK)
- 201 (Created)
- 202 (Accepted)
- 205 (Reset Content)
- 206 (Partial content)
3xx (Redirection. you asked for something, it redirected to something)
- 301: Moved permanently - System redirected from old url to new urls.
- 302: Found
- 304: not modified if file has not modified
- 305: Use proxy
- 307: Temporary redirect
4xx (Client errors)
- 401 (Unauthorized error - login credentials are incorrect)
- 403 (Forbidden - Server knows who you are, but you are not allowed to access).
- 404 (Not found - url requested was not found).
- 410 (page is truly gone, no longer available - not coming back).
5xx (Internal Server errors)
- 500 (unexpected error: Server does not know what is the problem, but some server problem occurred)
- 503 (expected error: Server is not available)
- 504: Gateway timeout error (server made call to another server and timedout).
1xx (Transitional phase requests - you may not use much for debugging)
100 - Continue requests
101 - Switching protocol
103 (Checkpoint)
2xx (Success Informational - everything went well - you want these requested)
= 200 (OK)
- 201 (Created)
- 202 (Accepted)
- 205 (Reset Content)
- 206 (Partial content)
3xx (Redirection. you asked for something, it redirected to something)
- 301: Moved permanently - System redirected from old url to new urls.
- 302: Found
- 304: not modified if file has not modified
- 305: Use proxy
- 307: Temporary redirect
4xx (Client errors)
- 401 (Unauthorized error - login credentials are incorrect)
- 403 (Forbidden - Server knows who you are, but you are not allowed to access).
- 404 (Not found - url requested was not found).
- 410 (page is truly gone, no longer available - not coming back).
5xx (Internal Server errors)
- 500 (unexpected error: Server does not know what is the problem, but some server problem occurred)
- 503 (expected error: Server is not available)
- 504: Gateway timeout error (server made call to another server and timedout).
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