Spring - Basics (refreshing the basics)
This scrap note includes:
- Configuring beans using @Configuration
- Creating beans and referencing them
- Bean scopes
Configuring beans using @Configuration
You can configure actions such as configuring all the beans, reading resources from the property files, establishing connection to database in the @Configuration class.
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.deiveehan")
@PropertySource(value = "classpath:application.properties")
public class ApplicationConfig {
Environment environment;
public InternalResourceViewResolver configureInternalResourceViewResolver() {
InternalResourceViewResolver resolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
return resolver;
- @Configuration is used to tell that this is a Bean configuration file.
- @ComponentScan is used to tell the container where to look for the class files.
- @PropertySource is used to define the properties file.
- environment.getProperty("host”) is used to get the property value.
- @Bean is used to define the beans.
Creating beans and referencing them
You can create beans in 2 ways - using xml or using bean configuration files.
Using annotation:
@Bean is used to define a bean and
Referencing beans:
@Autowired is used to reference a bean
You can autowire a bean at the class level and at the method level.
@EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = {
“com.deivee.app.mongorepository" })
public class MongoDBConfig {
Environment environment;
public Mongo mongo() throws Exception {
return new Mongo(environment.getProperty("host"));
public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() throws Exception {
return new MongoTemplate(mongo(),
and the MongoTemplate can be accessed in any bean class as below
@Autowired MongoTemplate.
Bean scopes
There are 5 different types of bean scopes in Spring
- singleton (single bean instance per container)
- prototype (new bean each time when referred)
- request (new bean for each request)
- session (available for the entire session)
- globalsession (for a global http session, valid for portal application).
For example you can create the scope for the bean when you create it.
public class LoginAction {
- You can use @PostConstruct to perform action after it is constructed and use @PreDestroy to perform action before it is destroyed.
- You can use @Profile to create profiles for different environment.
- You can detect the type of device that is sending the request using this String userAgent = request.getHeader("User-Agent”); the value of userAgent will be android, iPad, kindle etc.,
- You can also use spring with other web frameworks such as JSF.
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