Spring MVC is a way provided by Spring to handle and operate on web requests.
The following steps are performed for any web requests.
- The request is sent to the Dispatcher servlet
- The Dispatcher servlet passes the request to the handler mapping component.
- The handler mapping component returns the respective controller.
- The Controller receives the request along with the request attributes, performs the business logic and returns back the Model and view.
- The dispatcher servlet resolves the view name using the View resolver component.
- The dispatcher servlet now knows which view to forward to, hence returns the respective view to the page.
What should you do to get started using Spring mvc
- Include required maven artifacts such as spring-webmvc and spring-web in your pom.xml
- Add the component scanning class, just to tell container which classes to look out for.
- @EnableWebMvc to enable spring mvc in your application configuration file.
- Create Spring controllers:
- Tell the class that this is a controller class using @Controller
- Define @RequestMapping annotation at the class level
- Define @RequestMapping annotation at the method level
- Create JSP views and provide view resolver mapping.
- Provide implementation in the controller method by accepting the input parameters, processing it and returning response.
Signature of the controller method:
The signature of the method of the controller is open ended, hence it can accept a variety of input parameters. Following are the possible parameters.
- The servlet request or servlet response
- Request parameters annotated by @RequestParam annotation
- Model attributes annotated by @ModelAttribute annotation
- Cookie value in the incoming request using @CookieValue annotation
- Map or model map for the user to had his own attributes.
- Errors or BindingResult for the user to add errors / validation result.
and more options such as SessionStatus.
@RequestMapping options:
@RequestMapping(value={"/member/remove","/member/delete"}, method=RequestMethod.GET)
@RequestMapping(value= "processUser", method = RequestMethod.POST)
- You can use handler interceptor to provide implementation for pre / post processing of web requests.
- You can use resource bundle & message properties to implement internationalization.
- You can handle all the exceptions in one place using HandlerExceptionResolvers.
- You can publish data as rest services using @Requestmapping and @PathVariable. The return type can be XML or JSON depending upon the configuration
- You can produce JSON responses using Jackson mapping and @ResponseBody annotation.
- You can also access REST services using RESTTemplate class, there are multiple methods available to perform REST operation such as getForObject, put, delete, postForEntity etc.,
- You can publish RSS feds using jdom.
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